
dinsdag 22 maart 2011

work in progress

Hello lovely readers...

Of corse we are still working on the project...
After the presentation of last week tuesday we got the feedback that we shouldn't use a very obvious color gradient - that is a it too easy. And we could blur the houses to create direction. Besides, where is Waldo?

We have been playing with things like size, filling, background, and facing...
See the results:
^ We changed the size of the buildings a bit, creating a gradient in size and we changed the facing of the front building to make a stronger line directing you to go right.

^ The background more maplike changes the perception, it makes it more clear that it has to do with a route, but the feeling of depth and distancy gets lost a bit

^ Playing with the sizes points the viewer to one side, in this case it should leed you to the left...
Did it work well?

^ To make the buildings a bit more conected and show that it is about a route we added some roads..
Do you think it works?

^ Well, we got the feedback to do some more with the houses... these were just some trials.. we will make them more beautiful and varied... more waldo-like, aproximately....

^ Something like this?

Friday we will come together to chose a scenario for the movie
The posters will be ready this weekend and will be tested sunday.

1 opmerking:

  1. Hi,
    Maybe a bit late, but we have some remarks for your ideas.
    We think that adding the grey roads don't work that well, they are still a bit vague and hard to recognize.
    On the other hand, we do think that the 3rd picture from above gives indeed a better indication of direction than the previous ones. However, we think that this comes from the contrast between black and white. Because you have a brown background, normally the black lines with which you create the outlines of buildings have a low contrast thus making them harder to recognize. When you have a lot of white in an icon, it works better.

    Also, adding silhouettes of houses in the middle makes it feel more like a circle.


    group VIZIER
